Mahmoud Darwish: Love and Loss Through Verse

Mahmoud Darwish, the luminary of Palestinian poetry. Born amid the tumult of Galilee in 1941, beyond mere themes, his poetry was an impassioned heartbeat for Palestine, a symphony of compassion and love that flowed like a river, embracing the collective soul of his people. The years of exile, cradled in the arms of Beirut and Paris, only heightened the universality of his words. They transcended … Continue reading Mahmoud Darwish: Love and Loss Through Verse

Neither the City of Gardens nor the City of Love: Lahore

Recently, I stumbled upon a magnificently ornate book on Mughal Architecture titled “Lahore: History and Architecture of Mughal Monuments” by Anjum Rehmani. A deep delve into the influences and achievements throughout the Mughal period, starting from pre-Mughal history, the book explored new aspects of Lahore that I had yet to see around me. In comparison to the almost fantastical seeming portraits of beauty and splendor … Continue reading Neither the City of Gardens nor the City of Love: Lahore

The Rural Dreamscapes of Cottagecore

Imagine a slow, peaceful start to a summer morning as you wake up to the sounds of birdsong in the distance, thin streams of sunlight wafting in through the windows as the world slowly awakes from its slumber. A morning walk among the lush, verdant countryside as you go deeper into the forest thicket, noticing the celestial beauty of it all: the song thrushes perched … Continue reading The Rural Dreamscapes of Cottagecore

Is Delulu the Solulu Fr?

Imagine a world brimming with unicorns, a universe where we can effortlessly fly, or a world without academic stress. Seems impossible, doesn’t it? Yet, somehow, merely contemplating these possibilities is enough to brighten up one’s day. Gen Z is known for playing around with words, conjuring baseless, unique words from their imagination and hyping them up until everyone is a witness to their invention. Moreover, … Continue reading Is Delulu the Solulu Fr?

Sinking Delusions: An Overseas Ship to Prevent us from Drowning?  

The 18th of June, 2023: it was a perfectly ordinary summer day until it wasn’t; the media and news outlets all round the country were blaring the same headline. More than three hundred individuals and families lost their loved ones in a tragic incident— a boat, boarded to maximum capacity with migrants, drowned near the Greek coastguard. What’s worse is knowing that these migrants were … Continue reading Sinking Delusions: An Overseas Ship to Prevent us from Drowning?  

Calling a Spade a Spade: It’s Not a Conflict, it’s Genocide 

On October 27, the Ministry of Education in Palestine announced the end of the 2023-24 academic year. The reason: most, if not all, of the school-going children had become victims of the Israeli genocide. The unfortunate part, however, is that this is only a fraction of the atrocities being committed in the occupied Gaza Strip. Pseudo-liberals assume that their artificially curated “peace for all” movements … Continue reading Calling a Spade a Spade: It’s Not a Conflict, it’s Genocide 

From Kick-off to Full-time: A Beginner’s Guide to the Premier League

It’s safe to assume that nearly everyone has heard one thing or another about soccer football by now, but most of them are casual fans at best. But what about those who are incredibly passionate about the game but are struggling to get a concrete grasp of what exactly goes on in the footballing world? Well, this article is for them (and anyone else who … Continue reading From Kick-off to Full-time: A Beginner’s Guide to the Premier League

Bran Castle: Where Dracula Meets Quirky Charm

Buckle up, folks, because we’re about to dive headfirst into the captivating world of Bran Castle, better known as ‘Dracula’s Castle’! If you’ve ever wondered where Count Dracula might’ve hosted his undead soirées, this is the place. Before we explore this Transylvanian gem, let’s add a touch of humour to our garlic necklaces and garlic-rubbed stakes— it’s going to be a thrilling ride! Fangtastic Host … Continue reading Bran Castle: Where Dracula Meets Quirky Charm

Demographics in Manga (Part 2): Shoujo and Josei

Without getting derailed  this time, the first demographic I will be discussing fairly extensively in this part is shoujo. The word ‘shoujo’ itself translates to ‘young girl’ and is a demographic that targets young girls and women from approximately around the ages of 12–25. Commonly associated traits with shoujo manga are: use of the female-gaze, introspective dialogues, focus on emotions/emotional storytelling (even within plot and … Continue reading Demographics in Manga (Part 2): Shoujo and Josei

Demographics in Manga (Part 1): Shonen and Seinen

Manga, in simple words, are comic books originating from Japan which borrow the qualities of both visual and narrative storytelling (including dialogues, any possible point-of-view narration and speech/thought-bubbles). They are mostly published in black-and-white print with a few exceptions and are read from right to left. Though nowadays manga has become somewhat of a mainstream form of entertainment (especially because of its booming popularity in … Continue reading Demographics in Manga (Part 1): Shonen and Seinen