Goodbyes and Guidebooks: Navigating the Bittersweet End of College Life

As the college year finally comes to a close, it makes you wonder, it’s time, isn’t it? Time for what, you may ask. The most dreaded moment for any college junior who likes their seniors. It is the arrival of the much-dreaded yet anticipated farewell… Well, it’s not quite the time for goodbyes just yet, but it sure feels like it. For most people, this … Continue reading Goodbyes and Guidebooks: Navigating the Bittersweet End of College Life

“Those are Strings, Pinocchio”: An Ode to the Batch of 2023

It is surreal to think that only a week or more remains till the batch of 2023 begins a new chapter of their lives, leaving behind memories of black and white uniforms, midweek tedious assemblies and an artificial grass carpet that should have been replaced ages ago. Having grown up consuming an unhealthy amount of Disney shows featuring protagonists that experienced events akin to the … Continue reading “Those are Strings, Pinocchio”: An Ode to the Batch of 2023

Metaverse: Future of Digital Connection or Privacy’s Worst Nightmare?

Saying that the company is expanding in terms of services, Facebook’s CEO and founder, Mark Zuckerberg, changed the company’s name to Meta, wanting the new name to represent this change. But why did they rename it to Meta?  Meta comes from the Greek word beyond. Facebook has expanded its business model from just an app where people can connect and share pictures (Facebook) to a … Continue reading Metaverse: Future of Digital Connection or Privacy’s Worst Nightmare?

From Dundler Muffin to LACAS: A tale of “The Office” characters as A-levels students.

Recently, after rewatching the office for the 9th time, I couldn’t help but notice how some characters were uncannily similar to the types of people found on campus. The office is not just an ordinary comedy show, but an emotional roller coaster ride. Without a doubt it deserves utter admiration. Especially its diverse and exceptional characters who developed perfectly along the series(except obviously Andy Bernard … Continue reading From Dundler Muffin to LACAS: A tale of “The Office” characters as A-levels students.

We Are Coming for You, Misters!

A Level is often referred to as a fresh start in the transitioning lives of us teenagers. However, after experiencing it for about a year and a half I have concluded that it is rather, an era of realization and learning from mistakes for individuals who struggle to grow as human beings. For harassers, on the other hand, it is a grazing ground of exploitation and toxicity. Continue reading We Are Coming for You, Misters!